Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Towards a Quantum Mechanical Interpretation of Homeopathy

Michael H.F. Wilkinson
Centre for High Performance Computing,
University of Groningen, Landleven 1,
9747 AN Groningen, The Netherlands
URL: http://rc.service.rug.nl/~michael/mhfw.html
E-mail: michael@rc.service.rug.nl
A quantum interpretation of the homeopathic method is presented. It is shown that provided
neither the medication itself, nor the patient is observed, a net effect is expected, even at
homeopathic dilutions. The temporal dilution in homeopathic exercise is explained in terms
of Heisenberg's theory of energy-time indeterminacy. The results are fully compatible with
thought experiments of the eminent physicist and cat specialist Erwin Schrödinger.
Homeopathic medicine contains fewer than one molecule per dose on average (2, 8). Such
preparations are made by diluting the active ingredient in a solvent, usually water, and
shaking, not stirring, vigorously at each step. Though Bond (1) found evidence that shaking
has a different effect from stirring a liquid, few scientists accept the "memory of water"
theory (2, 8) used to explain the effect of a fraction of a molecule on a patient (5). In the
pages of this distinguished journal, there has been a lively discussion of the effect of extreme
time-dilution in the case of homeopathic exercise (4, 7). It is proposed that exercise in the
order of minutes down to nanoseconds per month shows distinct health benefits. This paper
shows that quantum mechanics gives a sound basis to explain these phenomena.
Quantum theory and spatial dilution.
The famous thought experiment of Erwin Schrödinger describes how according to quantum
mechanics a cat may be in an indeterminate state between living and dead, until a conscious
observation is made. Likewise, Reitz (6) has shown that the location of a cat inside or outside
a garage is unspecified until the creature is observed. This phenomenon explains the curious
"tunneling" of electrons and even entire cats (6) through a region of space in which they
cannot exist. If we take the case of a homeopathic dilution of a single molecule over N flasks
of solvent, quantum mechanics tells us that the molecule is not located in a particular flask
until a conscious observation is made. In quantum parlance, the "wave function" of the
particle is said to "collapse" into a specific state (or flask) due to the act of observing.
Incidentally, this is why cats resent people staring at them: the constant collapse of their
wave function is a strain on their delicate senses.
The mathematically inclined reader can show that the expected energy of each flask is given
by (in Dirac notation):
E = E flask + N1 E mol (1)
In words, the energy of the preparation in each flask and any patient taking it, is increased by
the energy of a single molecule divided by the number of flasks, provided they are not
observed. Nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory predict that in a highly nonlinear, or chaotic
system, such a small change in net energy may have a profound effect (the famous "butterfly
effect"). Many humans are notoriously chaotic, so the treatment should have an effect.
However, it is to be stressed that none of these effects can, or indeed should be observed,
directly or indirectly, since this would collapse the wave function into a definite state,
obliterating the subtle, quantum nature of the treatment.
Temporal dilution and energy-time indeterminacy.
Lewbel (4) proposed that exercising 60 s per month (2.6352 x 106 s), or a time dilution of
one over 4.392 x 104, could have significant, homeopathic, health benefits. Steinschneider (7)
uses a value closer to 10-23 s per month at most, or a time dilution of one over 2.6352x1029.
This latter number is similar to the values used for spatial dilutions needed for homeopathic
medicine described above. It is not immediately clear why this should be.
Quantum theory states that the change in energy (DE) of a system and the time taken for that
change (Dt) to occur are related through energy-time indeterminacy:
DEDt ³ h 2p (2)
Combining this with Einstein's E=mc2, and given the value of Planck's constant (h=6.6 x 10-34
Js) the interested reader can show that a kilogram of weight per month could be lost through
homeopathic exercise in the order of 10-51 s. This energy impact may be too large for the
system, so more conservative exercise schemes using say 10-34 s are to be recommended. This
is still many orders of magnitude away from the values proposed in the literature (4, 7).
The idea that homeopathic treatment acts on energy levels is in itself not new (3), but no
physical explanation is usually given for the nature of the energy changes. The quantum
theory of homeopathy is actually at odds with leading homeopathic researchers' theories
centered on the "memory of water" (2, 8). In fact, quantum theory shows up serious flaws in
their experiments, in which close, conscious observation of the energy level effects was
carried out. In all fairness, the same criticism should be leveled at the critics of said
experiments (5). By the very act of observation, the effects of homeopathic treatment are
destroyed, or at least obscured.
This theoretical approach to homeopathy leads to a whole spectrum of new insights. Given
the quantum nature of homeopathic preparations, collapse of the wave function into a definite
state, i.e., causing the molecules of working substance to be in a limited number of defined
flasks by conscious observation, is a real problem. Quality control should therefore only be
carried out by unconscious personnel. Likewise, there is a real danger that observation of the
patient, and especially of those quantum states pertaining to the ailment, leads to a collapse of
his or her wave function, and may destroy the beneficial effects of treatment. This is
especially true after treatment, and it is therefore recommended that the doctor has no further
contact with a patient after treatment. Best of all, he should move to another town, or for the
truly conscientious, commit suicide. All this is most in the patients' interest.
Cryogenics may have something to offer for practicing homeopaths in this respect. It should
be possible for the doctor to be frozen after treating a patient, and being revived only after
the demise of the patient. In that way, no deleterious effects of observing patients consciously
after treatment should be expected.
This paper is a first step towards a full, quantum understanding of homeopathy. It is clear
that quantum mechanics is the only way to understand the success of homeopathic medicine
in a physical context. It is also immediately clear that doctors should avoid patients after
treatment. Patients must also be aware of their responsibility in this respect. What is not yet
clear is whether conscious observation of patient by doctor pre-treatment may result in the
collapse of the wave-function as well. Double blind trials with doctors either seeing or not
seeing their patients should be carried out in a strictly controlled environment to ascertain the
importance of total patient-avoidance by homeopaths.

1. Bond J. (1966) A protocols for correct preparation of vermouth based beverages. J. Wine
Spirits 0:0-7.
2. Davenas E., F. Beauvais, J. Amara, M. Oberbaum, B. Robinzon, A. Miadonna, A.
Tedeschi, B. Pomeranz, P. Fortner, P. Belon. et al. (1988) Human basophil degranulation
by very dilute antiserum against IgE. Nature 333:816-818.
3. James G. (1993) Homeopathy: an energy level therapy. Prof. Nurse 9(1):54-57.
4. Lewbel A. (1997) One minute a month homeopathic exercise program. Ann. Improb. Res.
5. Maddox J., J. Randi, W. Stewart (1988) High-dilution experiments a delusion. Nature
6. Reitz, F.B. (1998) Cat tunneling. Ann. Improb. Res. 4(2):25-26.
7. Steinschneider B. (1998) Homeopathic Health Food. Ann. Improb. Res. 4(1):2.
8. Sudan B.J. (1993) Abrogation of facial seborrhoeic dermatitis with homeopathic high
dilutions of tobacco: a new visible model for Benveniste's theory of 'Memory of water'.
Med. Hypotheses 41(5):440-444.

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